Your life
The universe and its beautiful mysteries are infinite and have a depth we cannot fathom. There are many unknowns, much to be discovered to guide us and help us to be in an awakened state. Everything connects in some way, and just like the tree feeds life to the air, without water, the tree cannot exist. Everything has a vibration. Feelings like depression and despair occur at a lower frequency; however, when you increase your vibration or energy, you will feel lighter, physically, emotionally, and mentally. You can experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love and joy.
Andreas Salver has journeyed through discovering some universal secrets and used his knowledge and experience to create a sacred piece for us, the Frontlet. In his quest to improve the realities of existence, he investigated how our bodies respond and react to certain elements, how our energies can be affected by the universe, minerals, precious stones and sacred geometry. How our existence can be more than just merely going through our day-to-day activities, became his mission.
He drew inspiration from ancient history, Sumerian tablets the Anunnaki people of light, sacred geometry and science to arrive at an awakened state of consciousness. The creation of his Frontlet is a passkey to give you the ability to share in this enigma.
The words engraved on the back of the Frontlet combined with gold, sacred geometry and precious stones are fused, to increase and elevate your body vibrations.
How does this
captivating journey
It is said that the Anunnaki were able to create energy by arranging rocks into shapes. There exists a sacred geometry, embedded in every one of us, in our bodies, in nature, in math and ancient civilisation. Some sacred geometry is visible, as seen in the golden ratio of human proportions, but many remain hidden and unnoticed. The pyramids, for example, being one of the oldest standing structures on the earth, at the base measure 365,25, which is the exact number of days in a year. Each base edge and apex form a triangle, a lateral face. For this reason, the Frontlet was designed using numbers divisible by three, mostly with trillion cut stones or stones divisible by three. The diameter of the piece is 21mm or 18mm, also divisible by three.
Be it coincidence or not, it is fascinating to know that there lies a deep connection between the earth and everything on it. Considering this, the shape and proportions of the Frontlet become a significant part of strengthening the power of the piece.
The shape and size of the Frontlet are thought to increase the natural frequency of gold, causing it to vibrate at a higher frequency. Because the vibration of a person in a content state is higher than the 5Hz of our natural state, Andreas fuses gold, shapes and precious stones in a combination to increase and elevate our body vibrations.
The pinnacle of the passkey to Awakening is Masaru Emoto’s study about water (1). Through research and experiments he was able to prove that if “words” are placed on vessels that contain water from the same source, the “word” can change the shape of the crystals when the water is frozen. Andreas has given us the words that encourage positive transformation and mean the most to us to embrace change for the best. These words are engraved on the back of every piece. Because our bodies consist of up to 80% water, a living substance, can this same rule not apply to us, within us?
The Awakening Frontlet intended for meditation purposes is also worn daily by some individuals as a pendant, to increase their body vibrations and change within.
How can you
apply this knowledge
to your own life?
Andreas Salver has come full circle in his career and through these fascinating discoveries has himself, become awakened. He wants to share the feeling and divine secrets of this earth with us all, and he does this through his Frontlet pieces. In creating these, he has combined his learnings of sacred geometry and the energies of water, to share his awakening with you as well. Wearing the Frontlet on your third eye when you meditate, is intended as a key to your cosmic antenna which allows you to feel differently about your world and see it from a different angle.
If you feel cemented in an unpleasant world, these pieces are a passkey that can make you feel different. When you wear this sacred piece on your third eye while meditating, praying or as a pendant in your everyday life, the words engraved on it can help you too to change within. Find meaning and a passion for change.
Discover greatness, experience wholeness, feel elevated, and be awakened to the fact that you can change your reality; you can make magic happen. Hold on to these facts – with words you can influence the living structure of water, and there is a divine geometry that exists in all life, combine these simple yet powerful statements into something you wear, and begin your journey of change to be more!
Awakening by Andreas Salver – It is the way it makes you feel.
exclusive Frontlet pieces
18 ct Gold, Peridot, Aquamarine, Diamond, Silver chain R25 990
Enquire Nowyour word?
Every word has a uniquely designed Frontlet combined with precious stones, sacred geometry, 18 ct gold and silver. The chosen word or words are engraved on the back of each Frontlet. When you wear this sacred piece on your third eye while meditating or as a pendant in your everyday life, the words engraved on it can help you too to change within.
If you are inspired by a word in our new Frontlet collection contact us to view and to find out about our financing options.
We're all searching for something. Some look for peace. Others for clarity. Some seek wisdom and many love. The truth is you'll only find what you're looking for if you Awaken to the reality that you can choose to find it.
You're not reading the story of life. You're not listening to it. You are the story of life. You're part of everything, and everything is part of you. Close your eyes and Awaken the most incredible story ever told. Yours.
The world is a different place. Who would ever have thought that a hug could harm us? Accept change. Embrace it. Move with it. And find the positive in it. Awaken to the change to prosper.
“ When you wear this sacred piece on your third eye while meditating, praying or as a pendant in your everyday life, the words engraved on it can help you too to change within.”
“ If you feel cemented in an unpleasant world, these pieces are a passkey that can make you feel different.”
“ Discover greatness, experience wholeness, feel elevated, and be awakened to the fact that you can change your reality.”
Enquire here
Suite 2,
Coachman Crossing,
Peter Place,
andreas@andreassalver.comGIVE US A CALL
+27 11 706 1129
Read about the Frontlet journey in the summer edition of the Odyssey Magazine available in-store in January 2021.
FOOTNOTE: (1) Dr. Masaru Emoto, the founder and the author of world-wide best-sellers such as “Message from Water” (1999, HADO Kyoikusha, Co., Ltd.) and “Hidden Messages in Water” (2001, Sunmark Publishing,Inc), and for the taking care of water crystal photography.